In season hitting instruction
It is really difficult to coach hitters in season. The hitter is trying to make themselves better mechanically and still hit competitively in games. Here are some tips for you to help your hitters in season.
- Be careful with introducing new skills during the season. This can lead to confusion and a lack of success during the season. Never try to correct more than one flaw at a time.
- Do correct mechanical flaws where the athlete has regressed. So if they were doing something correctly and they aren't now, they should be able to regain the skill and compete at the same time.
- Focus A LOT on the mental side of hitting, approach, and pitch recognition. This is where most of your gains can take place in season.
- Set up drills that emphasize the skills you want to improve or reinforce during the season. Make sure the hitter understands the WHY of the drill, not just the WHAT.
- Have them making some kind of decisions before every swing. Don't just let player mindlessly swing in practice. Put them in a count, give them a challenge of some sort.
- If they start slumping, don't just look for mechanical changes. Instead, look first at the pitches they are swinging at and their plate approach.
- Don't let them rely on just batting average to measure success, instead, look at hard hit % or quality at bats. This sometimes makes them realize they really aren't in a slump.
If you're looking for ways to improve your players pitch selection, decision making and bat speed this year, Cornerstone Elite has plans just for you!
Weighted QAB% - Quality at bats are great… this is better. No longer will a home run and sacrifice bunt count the same for your quality at bats.
12 week bat speed improvement plan - This over and under load bat speed plan increases bat speed and creates situations your players need to adapt to.
Chaos hitting drills - These drills wreak havoc on your hitters, just like opposing pitchers will try to do!
Week long batting practice plan for decision making - This plan is complete with tee work, short toss work, live arm BP and bunting segments.
Posted by Kyle Nelson
- Posted in Uncategorized
Mar, 31, 2018
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