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Recommended Baseball Coaching Resources

College Baseball Now -

If you're interested in college baseball, this is the website and podcast for you.  Amazing interviews with great coaches plus endless articles covering all of your favorite teams and conferences. has it all!

Hoosier Wood Bats

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Hoosier is the 3rd oldest manufacturer of wood bats in the U.S. Hoosier makes custom bats that are only the highest quality including their patented WF2000 composite bat that is BBCOR certified.

Choose from a variety of models meeting your needs, and get a personalized, high quality wood bat in any color you wish.  Check them out here. 





Crossover Symmetry System

  1. Use for prehab or rehab of throwing injuries.
  2. Durable cables that won't constantly break.
  3. Three band resistances to meet individual athlete needs.
  4. Three workouts on the workout placard include Activation, Recover, Plyometrics, and IronScap.
  5. Easy to set up, store, organize, and transport.
  6. Strengthens scapular muscles vital to reaching maximum velocity through arm health.
  7. Increase pitching health and velocity.



Total Control Ball

Total Control Balls have become an invaluable part of our practice. They are heavy, sand filled balls that don't go very far when they are hit.

The benefit of this is three-fold. First, they can be used in the gym, or in the outfield with either side toss (not my favorite) or front toss (my favorite).  Second, their weight promotes a connected swing.  If the swing is disconnected, players will barely be able to hit them back to the pitcher.  Third, you will only need one or two Total Control Balls for each

In addition to using them for hitting, we also use them for pre-hab and re-hab for pitchers as weighted balls.  We do deceleration throws, and holds using the Total Control Balls as weighted balls.


Sock Nets

With only one batting cage, the obvious use of these is as an extra hitting station for tee work, but they serve a much larger role in our program.

I believe that practice time is precious and  every single player and coach's time should be valued by maximizing the efficiency of practice.  So we also use the sock net any time we need a shagger. If our first basemen are hitting, we can put up a sock net at first base for infielders to throw to.

We set them up short (about 60 feet) from 2nd base for middle infielders to throw into on double plays, and we use them as middle infielders for catchers to throw to when our infielders are hitting or working on something else.   Our pitchers use them to do drill work into, and we use them as cutoff men when our infielders are busy elsewhere.  These nets (we have 6 of them) have been the most valuable addition to our program of anything on this list.



Tanner Tees

I know, I know... everyone has batting tees.  But there are a couple of important reasons I like the Tanner Tee.  We used to go through a dozen regular tees or more per season because they would break and fall apart.

With the large number of players we have, and only one batting cage, tee work is a huge part of our hitting practice.  These Tanner Tees are incredibly durable.

In addition to their durability, Tanner also makes a small tee so players are forced to work on the low pitch.  Regular tees are difficult to adjust that low, and if you take the sliding rubber piece out, it is impossible to hit the ball without hitting the tee.

Ron Polk's Baseball Playbook

This great, ageless book will never go out of date.  Coach Polk's "Baseball PlaybookThere is literally no aspect of the game that is not covered in depth in this book.

If you can't find it in this playbook, you don't need it as a coach.






Andy Lopez's Coaching Baseball Successfully

This is the first baseball coaching book I bought.  Coach Lopez's "Coaching Baseball Successfully"  has a very practical approach to coaching philosophy, planning for a season, planning for practices that translates across all levels of baseball coaching.

This book had a tremendous influence on motivating me to explore the game further and develop my own understanding of the game.




All Access Mississippi State Baseball Practice w/John Cohen

Not only is this behind the scenes tour of Mississippi State baseball incredibly informative, but it is also incredibly entertaining.  I have probably watched this video over a dozen times and it never gets old.

My only concern with this is that I will wear out the DVD and will need purchase another copy of All Access DVD


Real Grass Real Heros By Dom DiMaggio

This is not a coaching philosophy, technique, or planning book of any kind.  However, it tells a great story about one of the best seasons in MLB history, 1941.

Real Grass, Real Heroes is a book that tells the story of the year Ted Williams hit .406, the year that Joe DiMaggio, and many other stories along the way.




Jack Perconte's Raising an AThlete

In Raising an Athlete, Jack Perconte give parents a guide to raising an athlete in a complex society.

Jack's passion for helping young players and parents really shines through in this well written easy to read, fun, and story filled book.




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